• 250-679-2778
  • Chase, BC
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Bea is a very pretty miniature donkey. When she arrived at the Refuge in the summer of 2011 she was full of fear and very protective of her space. Although she has come a long way, she still has behavioural issues and it will be many years before we have fully gained her trust. She has become best friends with Franny and that has helped her feel safe. We are pleased to see her come to the fence to get pats from our visitors. Well done Bea! If you wish to sponsor a sweet donkey who has taken a giant leap of faith and allowed us into her world please choose “Sponsor Bea” from the drop down list on the donation page. $50 to sponsor. A gift of a donkey sponsorship makes a lovely gift for a loved one.  Just write “Gift Sponsorship” and add their name and address in the “Notes” box on the donation page.

Sponsor Bea